Between, In Transit and At The Station series were created in a time of abrupt personal upheaval, possibility and expansion while living out of the country for several months. I began to investigate liminality - the sense of being between things - by exploring liminal places, such as train stations, passageways, doorways, windows.
This work is a combination of analog and digital processes: digitally shot images become manually made monoprints on matte polyester film using an acrylic medium transfer process, resulting in transparent images on translucent film. I enjoy the push and pull between control of the process and surrender to the inevitable imperfections. These marks are integral to the work and, combined with the transparency of the work, contribute to a sense of transience and ambiguity.
The monoprints in both In Transit and Between series are mounted with small nails to float in the custom finished wood box. Painted rice paper is collaged to the box directly behind the prints; these coloured shapes create a glow through the monoprints.